

Posted on Feb 27, 2024

Those who have a DP KTS Certificate not more than 5 years old can take part in the DP VM scheme.There is no need to take online exams and DPVM courses at the time of application to NI, but participants must have an NI DPVM Logbook to complete the Training Tasks (Task Section) and 26 Days of Sea Time (7 days of which are on Active DP).

And if the certificate 5 years have passed you have to take the DPVM course again

Please contact NI to get you“APPROVED” to convert your DP KTS certificate into DPVM Scheme.

Especially for ex. AOTC DP KTS students, DPVM loog book can be bought at training center. Before buying the logbook, approval from NI for DP KTS to DPVM scheme conversion should be granted in advance.If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us on WA/telephone.

admin : +62 811-1205-728 office: (021) 22563805

To contact NI, here is the link:



Posted on Oct 19, 2022

Buat kawan-kawan pelaut engineer/ETO yang tertarik untuk berkarir di dunia offshore dengan spesialisasi operasi kapal dengan Dynamic Positioning System dan menjadi seorang DP vessel maintainer. Ada kejadian yang perlu kawan-kawan perhatikan supaya tidak sampai dialami sehingga menimbulkan kerugian secara waktu dan materi.

Begini ceritanya :

Berawal dari seorang engineer yang ditawari untuk bergabung di salah satu shipping company di Singapore oleh manning agency di Jakarta melalui salah satu media sosial LinkedIn. Karena tertarik dengan gaji sebesar USD 210 per day sebagai 2nd Engineer di kapal DP maka engineer ini memberikan semua dokumen yang diminta untuk diperiksa.

Singkat cerita, setelah dokumen di periksa petugas dari manning agency bilang bahwa sertifikat masih kurang satu yaitu DPVM sertifikat. Semula nya engineer ini belum tahu apa itu sertifikat DPVM dan carinya kemana. Manning agency menyarankan untuk menghubungi salah satu Chief Engineer yang katanya lagi ngurus sertifikat yang sama.

Pada saat engineer ini menghubungi Chief Engineer yang dimaksud, yang bersangkutan membenarkan bahwa dia lagi ngurus sertifikat lewat Training Center dan sehari bisa jadi. Karena bisa ekspres, maka mintalah si engineer ini no hp Training Center yang namanya Pak Albert Pada saat pemilik no WA dihubungi, memang betul namanya Albert dan beliau nya mengaku dari Azureus Offshore Training yang sanggup untuk ngurus sertifkat DPVM tanpa kursus cukup bayar saja. Karena engineer ini terdesak waktu untuk bisa segera naik ke kapal, maka disanggupilah untuk bayar uang sebesar Rp. 36,000,000 dan uang ditransfer full dengan tanpa melakukan konfirmasi lagi ke Training Center.

Setelah melakukan pembayaran tentunya kepinginnya sertifikat segera ditangan, ternyata pada saat menghubungi lagi WA nya sudah diblok. Pak Albert sudah tidak bisa dihubungi lagi. Kemudian engineer ini mulai panik dan menghubungi Azureus Offshore Training untuk cari informasi. Setelah mendapatkan penjelasan akhirnya sadarlah dia kalau sudah kena tipu dan melayanglah uang puluhan juta. Dengan pengalaman di atas, marilah kita lebih berhati-hati karena sudah ada 3 orang yang melaporkan ke kami penipuan dengan modus seperti diatas. Penipu ini dengan mudah mendapatkan uang karena memanfaatkan kelemahan korban yaitu waktu yang mendesak dan iming-iming gaji besar.

Sertifikat DPVM (DP Vessel Maintainer) adalah sertifikat yang tidak bisa di dapat tanpa melalui kursus di training center yang telah di akreditasi oleh Nautical Institute. Kita sudah mengeluarkan biaya untuk training tentunya kita mesti mendapatkan benefit dari training untuk meningkatkan keahlian kita sebagai seorang professional. Jangan tertarik dengan sertifikat tanpa training, karena hampir semua nya adalah modus penipuan dan mendapatkan sertifikat aspal.

Azureus Offshore Training Center adalah satu-satunya training center di Indonesia yang terakreditasi oleh Nautical Institute untuk menyelenggarakan kursus DPVM yang merupakan pintu masuk bagi para pesertanya untuk tersertifikasi oleh Nautical Institute dan diakui oleh dunia internasional.

Apa bedannya dengan sertifikat DPM yang dikeluarkan oleh Training Center lain? Tentunya beda, Nautical Institute yang sudah banyak berkiprah di dunia training Dynamic Positioning internasional dan sudah diakui industri lepas pantai untuk sertifkasi DPO kini menghadirkan kursus untuk engineer dan ETO yang pertama kali di launching di bulan Maret 2021. Syllabus disusun dengan jelas dengan skema training termasuk menjalani tugas diatas kapal DP selama 26 hari sebelum mendapatkan sertifikat DPVM yang diterbitkan langsung oleh Nautical Institute UK. Hal ini yang membedakan dengan skema kursus DP Maintenace Training Center lain. Azureus Offshore Training juga dilengkapi dengan sarana pemeriksaan otentikasi sertifikat yang diterbitkan oleh training center sehingga menjamin bagi peserta ataupun pemakai jasa untuk memeriksa keaslian sertifikat yang diterbitkan.

Azureus Offshore Training juga melayani kursus untuk DPO dengan skema Nautical Institute dengan simulator Kongsberg Class A yang tentunya memberikan nilai lebih bagi mereka yang belajar karena Kongsberg menguasai 80% pasar dunia untuk Dynamic Positioning System. Bagi yang tertarik, ayo langsung hubungi Azureus Offshore Training WA Marketing 0811-19181-939 atau Admin 0811-1205-728 atau silahkan cuss datang langsung ke lokasi training Jalan Daan Mogot no. 345A Jakarta Barat dan menyaksikan langsung fasilitas dan simulator yang kami gunakan


Posted on Apr 01, 2022

This special book was first written in English by Dr. Surender Kumar (Ceng, CmarEng, CmarTech, FIMarEST, FNI, fDPO, Ph.D) An electrical engineer by profession, honed professional skills whileserving the Indian Navy for 19 years. Earned MBA degree in marketing managementin 1996. Have sailed as ETO/Electrical officer on main fleet and offshore vessels and have been associated with DP vessel conversion and trails.

This book was published to celebrate the progress of DPOs and DPMs in Indonesia and was written in Bahasa by Azureus Offshore Training Centre to meet the needs of DP professionals in Indonesia.

This book contains a wealth of information about dynamic positioning in an attractive and easy-to-read format. The topics discussed cover the basic understanding, components and main mechanics of the DP system, as well as their application in practice in depth. This is an interesting guide for anyone who wants to learn DP or take their understanding of DP to a higher level.

Price : IDR 250.000.

Please contact CS +62 8111-1205-728 for shop and stock availability


The Nautical Institute New Address

Posted on Mar 31, 2022

The Nautical Institute New Address
NI Circular 001/2022
Date: 24/01/2022

The Nautical Institute
200B Lambeth Road, london SE1 7JY, United Kingdom

Contact :
T: +44 (0)20 7928 1351
F: +44 (0)20 7401 2817



Posted on Mar 31, 2022

This book is a book that tells inspirational stories about the journey of a number of Indonesian seafarers who are now successful in politics, business, economy, and the state to become a source of inspiration for the millennial generation to become seafarers.

This book promotes the seafaring profession so that in the future Indonesia's young generation has aspirations to become seafarers so that Indonesia can become a provider of quality seafarers in the world.

Price : IDR 300.000.

Please contact : CS +62 8111-1205-728 for shop and stock availability



Posted on Mar 31, 2022

This book is a smart book for business actors engaged in maritime sector. Therefore that, apart from the complete contents, all company and institutional data moving or serving the sector maritime is also in the book. There are at least 32 sub-sectors related to maritime data in the book.

The data presented between more about the company shipping, port authorities throughout Indonesia, immigration, agency ship, shipyard, bunker suppliers, consultants & advocates, contractors, electrical suppliers, equipment manufacturers, event/exhibition organizer, forwarders, general trading, machine/ship repair, surveyor, training center, custom and etc.

Price : IDR 1.000.000.

Please contact : CS +62 8111-1205-728 for shop and stock availability



Posted on Mar 31, 2022

This logbook enables the user to a keep a full record of information pertaining to their training, previous experience, DP watchkeeping, qualification/certificates and competence to ensure continued safe DP operations by competent personnel of all disciplines.

Buy now from Azureus Offshore Training Centre Please contact CS +62 8111-1205-728 for book price and stock availability.




Posted on Mar 31, 2022

Minimum Entry Qualification into the DP Revalidation Requirements shall be as follows:

The minimum entry requirement is a DPO Certificate issued by the NI. The original DPO Certificate should be presented at the DP Centre where the Revalidation Course is completed. The Revalidation Course may be completed up to six months before the revalidation date set by the NI. The course will be valid for a period of 12 months only, in which the DPO must send in an application into the NI. If the participant is completing the course for the first time, there is no minimum DP sea time requirement. If the participant is completing the course for a second or subsequent time, a minimum of 28 DP sea time days will be required to revalidate. This DP time may be completed prior to or after the Revalidation Course. Where a participant subsequently revalidates after taking the course by completion of the full sea time requirement of 150 DP sea time days that participant can then take the Revalidation Course again without a DP sea time requirement.
Legacy and Grandfathered certificate holders will be able to take the course to revalidate until 31st December 2019. After this date, previous Legacy and Grandfathered certificate holders will need to complete DP sea time days towards revalidation.

Source: The Nautical Institute Certification and Accreditation Standard - Vol 1 - Training and Certification - V1 - January 2022



Posted on Mar 31, 2022

Minimum Requirements for entry into the DPVM Scheme shall be as follows:

Following the 2010 Manila amendments to the STCW Convention and Code, The Nautical Institute (the NI) has implemented the following criteria for entry into the DP Vessel Maintainer training scheme:

The minimum qualification is set at STCW Regulation III/1 – III /2 – III/3 – III/6 Engine and Regulation III/6 for ETOs. The Nautical Institute will also accept anyone on a case by case basis that holds a technical officer’s position on any DP vessel. This does not include ratings.

The training centre theory part and NI online exam for the course may also be attended by relevant shore-based Technical staff and DPO and technical Cadets to improve their knowledge and they can be issued a certificate of completion (Theory Only).

To be issued a Key Technical DP Personnel Certificate (The DP Vessel Maintainer’ Course Certificate) you must be serving as part of the vessel Technical staff. i.e. Engineer or ETO.

Source: The Nautical Institute Certification and Accreditation Standard - Vol 1 - Training and Certification - V1 - January 2022



Posted on Mar 31, 2022

Minimum Requirements for entry into the DPO Scheme shall be as follows:

Following the 2010 Manila amendments to the STCW Convention and Code, The Nautical Institute (the NI) has implemented the following criteria for entry into the DP Operators training scheme:

The minimum qualification is set at STCW Regulation II/1 ‐ II/2 ‐ II/3 Deck, Regulation III/1 – III /2 – III/3 – III/6 Engine and Regulation III/6 for ETOs


Alternative appropriate Marine Vocational Qualifications (MVQs) will be considered on a case by case basis.

The NI defines an MVQ as a non-STCW Certificate of Competency issued by a white list Maritime Administration for use in the administration’s local waters only.

Naval Officers with appropriate watch keeping qualifications and those whose qualification can be found on the approved list may be accepted into the training scheme without pre-approval or reference to NI.

The approved list can be found on the website: It is recommended that training centres and prospective DPOs check the qualifications with the NI in case of any doubt.

Source: The Nautical Institute Certification and Accreditation Standard - Vol 1 - Training and Certification - V1 - January 2022