Shuttle Tanker Class B
Course Aims
The focus of the exercises should be on the practical handling of shuttle tankers in the vicinity of offshore installations. This should include approach to the operational zones, safe interaction with the offshore terminal facilities, including the effects of mooring systems, hose connections, emergency shutdowns, interaction with tanker assist vessels and field communications. All functions of propulsion, power generation and position reference systems should be included in the discussions and exercises, as well as effects and instances of equipment and system errors/failures. Students will also acquire knowledge of off take tanker operational procedures.
A separate basic ship handling course should have been completed prior to attending this course, as the revision section is limited to a refresher on basic ship handling techniques.
Such a ship handling course should cover:
- Effects of deadweight, draught, trim, speed and under-keel clearance on turning circles and stopping distances
- Effects of wind and current on ship handling; application of rate of turn (ROT) techniques
- Maneuvering in shallow waters, including under-keel clearance caused by squat, rolling and pitching
- Interaction between ships and between own ship and nearby banks (bank effect)
- Berthing and unberthing under various wind, tide and sea-current conditions with and without tugs
- Ship and tug interaction, various types of tugs
- Use of propulsion and maneuvering systems
- Where possible, use of tunnel and azimuth thrusters
A suitable course format is currently available as Offshore Loading Phase 1 at some training establishments.
Course Objectives
The reasons for the majority of incidents related to vessel handling operations can be traced to human error or lack of professional problem mitigation. The main objective of the courses is for Masters and DPOs to achieve optimal understanding and skills in DP mode, DP manual mode and in traditional manual modes, where appropriate. This will further improve the safety of the tanker’s manoeuvring and loading operations.
Vessel handling exercises should be carried out on simulators. Approaches to offshore terminal should be carried out primarily by using DP systems, but a manual mode approach should be included for comparison. Simulations should also include reconstruction of known DP incidents involving off take tankers. The complexity and value of these exercises will be enhanced by appropriate previous experience of the person in charge of the simulator
Course Assessment
A theoretical and practical test should be held at the end of each course and an assessment report handed to the participant..
Admission Requirements
The course is open to candidates who are in possession of the following:
- Certificate of Competency (STCW Regulation II/1 – II/2 – II/3 Deck)
- DP Induction Course Certification as per the requirements Nautical Institute DP Training Scheme.
- DP Simulator Course Certification as per the requirements of Nautical Institute DP Training Scheme.
- A minimum of 24 days Sea Time + 2 Offshore Loading Operations.
5 days
Max 3
The course will be conducted in English.