DP Simulator
Course Aims
On completion of the Simulator Course the student should be able to:
- Carry out operational planning, risk assessment and hazard identification tasks
- Set up the DP system for a particular task
- Operate the communications
- Analyses the trends
- Discuss systems failures
- Decide on courses of action because of systems failures
- React to alarms and printer readout
- Initiate DP Alert status alarms
- React to all events occurring
- Operate the desk under normal and pressured conditions
- Practice effective teamwork
- Apply the lessons learned to date.
Course Objectives
- Operation of a DP system.
- Demonstrate ability through participation in exercises to set up, operate and carry out manoeuvres using the DP system.
- Demonstrate ability through group exercises to set up, operate and carry out manoeuvres using the DP system.
- Demonstrate within the DP Simulator the operation of position reference systems, sensors and peripheral equipment associated with the DP system
- Understand the operation of heading modes where the DP system continuously determines and automatically sets vessel heading to minimize power/thrust requirements
- DP operations.
- Interpret vessel plans and specifications.
- Using vessel and other data such as capability plots (paper or electronic), footprint plots to assess the capability of the vessel to complete successfully any proposed operation without a loss of position after worst case failure.
- Make appropriate contingency plans to cover foreseeable system failure or operational requirement.
- Describe appropriate procedures to be followed when approaching a work site and transferring from manual/ joystick to DP control.
- Etc.
- Emergency procedures in DP operation
- Recognise the conditions (as per main headings in failure mode check list – see final section of this annex – Thruster, sensors, position references, power, environment and miscellaneous) that will degrade operational or emergency status.
- Recognise the warnings and alarms associated.
- Evaluate the various factors to be taken into account subsequent to any system failure, determine and carry out appropriate corrective actions.
Course Assessment
- Practical Assessment:
Each candidate is required to demonstrate their competence to perform the tasks listed in the DP Set-up Practical Assessment Table - Online Assessment :
The exam is composed of multiple choice questions and shall be completed in 1 hour. The online assessment will consist of 30 questions and shall be completed in one hour with a pass mark of 70%.
Admission Requirements
- The minimum qualification is set at STCW Regulation II/1 ‐ II/2 ‐ II/3 Deck, Regulation III/1 – III /2 – III/3 – III/6 Engine and Regulation III/6 for ETOs
- Successfully completed DP Induction Course and passed the exam.
- Successfully completed phase B: A minimum of 60 DP sea time days AND completion of task section on board a certified DP class vessel + company confirmation letter.
5 days
Max 4
The course will be conducted in English.