DP Refresher and Competency Assessment Course
Course Aims
The course is intended for those who have already been issued a DPO Certificate from the NI and required to refresh their knowledge about DP or need to completed high DP simulator because they are on DP 24/7 The overall course aim is to update the DPOs with the latest rules and regulations, position references and sensors, known DP incidents and lessons learned. At the end of the course, the student should:
- Have acquired knowledge of the latest rules and regulations.
- Have acquired knowledge of the latest developments within sensors and PRS.
- Have acquired knowledge of the latest relevant DP incidents and why they occurred.
- Be able to recognise the various alarm, warning and information messages.
- Carry out operational planning, risk assessment and hazard identification tasks.
- Set up the DP system for a particular task/operation.
- Decide on courses of action because of systems failure.
Course Objectives
The following is a list of the objectives which should be attained by the DPOs upon completion of the DP Refresher and Competency Assessment Course.
By the completion of the training session or period for DP Rules and Regulations the trainee should be able to:
- List the various providers of documents containing statutory requirements and guidance relating to DP operations, including:
- IMO (including IMO MSC/Circ. 645 of 1994 and 1580 of 2017 Guidelines for Vessels with Dynamic Positioning Systems)
- Classification society DP rules
- International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA)
- Marine Technology Society (MTS)
- IMCA and MTS guidelines for ASOG
- Explain the purpose of documentation associated with DP operations, such as DP operations manuals, Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) and capability plots.
- Describe the IMO (DP) equipment classes and their application, with reference to the IMO Guidelines for Vessels with DP Systems.
- Understand the importance of reporting DP incidents knows where to find DP incident reports and knows how to report DP incidents.
By the completion of the training session or period for DP Sensors and PRS the trainee should be able to:
- Describe the following position reference systems commonly associated with DP installations: Differential GNSS, hydroacoustic, INS, taut wire, Artemis, FMCW Radar and laser-based systems.
- Describe the failure modes of the following position reference systems: Differential GNSS, hydroacoustic, INS, taut wire, Artemis, FMCW Radar and laser-based systems.
- Describe the following sensors associated with DP installations: vertical reference sensor/unit, motion reference unit, gyro compass, wind sensor (anemometer) and draught input sensor. ASOG, TAM and CAM.
- Describe the failure modes of the following sensors: vertical reference sensor/unit, motion reference unit, gyro compass, wind sensor (anemometer) and draught input sensor.
By the completion of the training session or period for DP Set Up the trainee should be able to:
- Ensure the vessel is on DP in accordance with the vessel’s class and the vessel’s operation manual. Class approved FMEA and ASOG (Complete DP Checklist)
- Determine and set alarm and warning limits.
- Evaluate most appropriate PRS for specific DP-operations.
- Select the number of position reference systems required in accordance with the DP class.
- Use correct thruster allocation for a specific operation and weather conditions.
- Test vessel’s manoeuvring capability during prevailing weather conditions
- Determine a Safe Position and minimum distances to stabilize the vessel in DP.
- Obtain information and clearance from e.g. installation, on issues important for the safe operation of the vessel under DP.
By the completion of the training session or period for DP Bridge Watchkeeping the trainee should be able to:
- Demonstrate a continuous awareness of the vessel’s status, operation and impact of operating under DP.
- Recognise the importance of maintaining lookout and awareness of the external situation including weather when controlling a vessel close to installations or other objects.
- Recognise situations in which to call the Master to the bridge.
- Log and report DP station keeping events.
- Monitor position reference systems, sensors and signal quality in anticipation of the possibility of failure causing instant/violent reaction from main engines/thrusters.
- Monitor power output and thrust.
- Monitor thruster efficiency for station keeping at different headings and drafts, which may affect DP Class
- Recognise DP-related changes in vessel systems and technical equipment which may affect DP Class
- Recognise technical and operational issues which may limit or stop DP operations.
- Monitor that the DP operating parameters of continuous operating power are not exceeded.
Course Assessment
- Online Assessment
The exam is composed of multiple-choice questions and shall be completed in 1 hour. The online assessment will consist of 30 questions and shall be completed with a pass mark of 70%.
Admission Requirements
The minimum entry requirement is a DPO Certificate issued by the NI.
5 days
Max 4
The course will be conducted in English.